Client Testimonials
many many thanks for your hard work, effort and time given to us. We greatly appreciate all the advice you've given and will put them to good use. May God Bless You and all the Best for the New Year!
Sincerely," |
Dion and Novia (Jan. 2012)
""We had the great fortune to meet the Przednoweks who represented us, the sellers of a home in uptown Waterloo. This was by no means an easy job, as their real estate business is located in Brantford, and so therefore any communications, written or otherwise had to be conducted in Waterloo.
We were very pleased with the effortless service, care and consideration they gave us during the period of time we were listed with them.
I remember once, when there was a storm and we had already planned for an open-house. It was no problem for them, and when we met them after the opening, there was no doubt that they gave everyone their undivided attention.
One of the biggest benefits to selling is to know your home, and we were helped by Maria to stage it so that it would be easy for buyers to see the potential and also see themselves living there.
We are very grateful for their constant care, and would highly recommend them, as they are a team who sincerely care about their client."
" |
P. Kikuchi, Waterloo
"Dear Maria and Bogdan,
You are a shining example of what true customer service should be like. From our very first meeting together, to the last, your quality of service was exceptional and working with you was an absolute joy!
When we first met you took the time to get to know exactly what my wants and needs were without rushing me or interrupting our initial meeting to take calls from other clients. You made me feel not like your only client but your favorite client, from the very first day to the last. You were always there for me when I had questions or concerns; you made a stressful time easy and worry free.
Your follow through was nothing less than perfect, always returning my calls, answering questions and finding information quickly and getting back to me. Your patience and thorough knowledge of the real estate market, willingness to get answers quickly and response time was outstanding! Your honesty regarding feedback from house showings was always greatly appreciated and I never once had to follow up, you were always prompt to get back to me regarding comments after a showing.
I have to say that both of you go way beyond any experience that I have ever had in the purchase and sale of any property and I have been involved in four over the past eleven years.
If asked what words I would use to describe my experience working with you… I would have to include; honesty, integrity, perseverance, caring, tenacity, enjoyable, respectful and professional, just to list a few. I’m sure I could go on and on, but the most important two words seem almost inadequate at best, to express my overall feelings at having worked with you – THANK YOU!
If anyone that reads this is considering using the services of Maria and Bogdan, I would tell them that you will not be disappointed, quite the contrary, you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of service they offer, their knowledge and the dedication that they will give you as their clients.
Thank you.
" |
Jennyfer P., Kitchener, On
"Zawsze bylismy Ci wdzieczni za pomoc w wybraniu wymarzonego domu i pomoglas nam wszechstronnie podjac wlasciwa decyzje. Nigdy nie zalowalismy wyboru. Szczegolnie cenimy Twoja dociekliwosc w szukaniu "dziury w calym" czyli pokazywaniu od pierwszej wizyty slabych punktow domu, ktorych urzeczeni pierwszym wrazeniem moglismy nie dostrzec. Tak zawsze powinien postepowac uczciwy agent naprawde dbajacy o zadowolenie klienta. Nigdy nie namawialas nas na kupno konkretnej posiadlosci, ktorej sprzedaz moze bylaby bardziej intratna dla Ciebie. Za to Cie cenimy i bedziemy polecac wszystkim. Przez ostatnie 9 lat lat pomoglas nam sprzedac 3 domy i kupic 3. Decyzje o oplacalnosci tych transakcji podjelismy sami i wyszlismy na tym bardzo do przodu, ale bez Twojej profesjonalnej, fachowej porady nie wydaje sie nam, ze dzis bylibysmy tak szczesliwi. Wielkie Dzieki Marysiu !
We really mean it!
" |
Grace and Cezary Cyperling (380 Grey St., Brantford)
"Bob Przednowek is one hell of a guy. He gets the job done, and covers every aspect of the home you are looking at and even warns you way ahead of time when there is something to be concerned about. He basically is a real go-getter, he goes beyond what a lot of what I call "lazy and totally clued out " real estate agents do. He doesn't just do what he is obligated to do, he does more. He is honest, up front, and no B.S....he negotiates for you as best as you can expect, and he is very thorough.He's always available and has no problem driving you where ever you want to go and has the connections to the services ( lawyers , brokers, inspectors etc.) that you need to complete your transaction.. He also gives good advice and knows his stuff.
I have bought a house through him, and so have my parents ...we are very satisfied with the work he has done and highly recommend his services." |
Jon Horvath

Realty Place Inc. (brokerage) 12 Southglen Road, Brantford, ON N3R 7A1
Direct: 519-865-8111 -Maria Bus: 519-753-6000 Cel.: 519-770-2706 -Bogdan
 | Maria Przednowek Broker of Record/Owner
 | Bogdan Przednowek Broker/Owner